This is "木瓜黑米露" @旺角・發記甜品
I envy you who can go to eat 糖水 at any time.
Bingo!! 呢間茶餐廳係喺廟街嘅"美都餐室"呀。
菠蘿油!! I love it (o'ω'o)
呢間茶餐廳嘅菠蘿油好好味呀? hehe~☆
Maybe I will go to HK once this year.
But...When do I go to HK? :P
I am glad of eating a lot of delicious foods from HK, Taiwan, and China.
Japanese food is delicious, but very expensive...(-ω-;)
我好鍾意香港~♪ 好玩好玩呀~。
大家好! 呢個係介紹日本文化的blog.
(mixture of 日文&中文&英文text...sorry!)
I hope you will be a good friend to me.
From Tokyo with Love.
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